Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Does it Mean to Seek the Lord?

“Seek the Lord while he may be found;

call upon him while he is near.”

- Isaiah 55:6

Seeking the Lord means seeking his presence. “Presence” is a common translation of the Hebrew word “face.” Literally, we are to seek his “face.” But this is the Hebraic way of having access to God. To be before his face is to be in his presence.

But aren't his children always in his presence? Yes and no. Yes in two senses: First, in the sense that God is omnipresent and therefore always near everything and everyone. He holds everything in being. His power is ever-present in sustaining and governing all things...

...there is a sense in which God’s presence is not with us always. For this reason, the Bible repeatedly calls us to “seek the his presence continually.” more here

By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Clear to the Bone

“You cannot separate fools from their foolishness, even though you grind them like grain with mortar and pestle.”

- Proverbs 27:22

A fool is defined as a person lacking in judgment or prudence. Have you ever known anyone like this? A person who can’t seem to stay our of trouble, who can’t seem to make anything out of themselves, who can’t seem to do anything productive with their life?

A famous comedian once said that Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone. That concept is on display in this verse. You cannot get foolishness out of a fool; even if you grind them to powder, they are foolish through and through.

Well, what hope is there for such a person? How can we fix them? Answer: we can’t. We were never meant to. Jesus is the only hope for fools, just as He is the only hope for smart, productive, successful people.

You can’t change a fool. You can pray for them and ask Jesus to save them from themselves. That’s what He did for me!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bible Benefits

“When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you.”

- Proverbs 6:22

The subject of this verse (“they”) is referring to Godly commandment and teaching. This can also be translated “it” instead of “they”. Basically, this proverb tells us what God’s Word can do for us.

It can give us direction. The Bible helps us understand how to walk wisely in this world. More importantly, it connects us to Jesus, the One Who Is the Way.

It will protect us. Living according to the Bible keeps us from getting into any lasting trouble and protects us from the damaging effects of a life that has missed how God intends for us to live.

It will engage us. The Holy Spirit will use the Bible to speak in practical terms to us, helping us understand how to live a purposeful, God-pleasing life.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Looking for a Sonrise

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

- Psalm 119:105

One of the metaphors that God uses to describe Himself to us is light. Proverbs 4:18 tells us that the path of the righteous (those who know God) grows continually brighter until the way is as clear as the sun at high noon. Put another way: the longer we walk with Jesus, the easier it will be to see the way we should go. Jesus tells us that He is the Light of the world, and that whoever walks in Him will be able to see their way clearly.

But how can we do this? The Bible says when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. If you want to see the Son rise in your life, why don’t you decide to find out more about Who Jesus is (reading the Gospel of John might be a good place to start), and then choose to walk that path with Him?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Be Strong and Courageous!

“Do not be dismayed, for the Lord is with you wherever you go.”

- Joshua 1:9

Have you ever thought about all that Joshua had witnessed in his lifetime? The 10 outrageous plagues in Egypt. A pillar of fire that guided and guarded them. The Red Sea opening to a dry path, and then closing to swallow up the Pharaoh’s army. Miraculous manna from Heaven, provided fresh every morning. Water in the desert. Stone tablets etched by the finger of God. Moses’ face radiating from being in God’s presence.

The history he had with God provided a foundation for the destiny God had for him.

Read some of Joshua today, and remember all that God has done in your life. Then hear him say, “Be strong and courageous!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Take Care of your Roots!

“Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”

- Mark 12:30

Do you find that you’re easily distracted? In this country, one thing we are is busy. We juggle family, education, career, and ministry. We fill our time with sports, tv, fellowship, or all kinds of hobbies and entertainment. We line our datebooks with meetings and a myriad of activities. It’s hard not to be distracted!

And in the midst of it all, I find myself hoping that I’m producing the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in God’s Word, and living a life pleasing to Him. I often try to produce good fruit in my own strength, when God says if I will just tend to the root - my relationship with Him, loving Him with all my heart - then priorities will fall into place and the fruit will grow naturally. Spend some time with God today, love on Him, and take care of your roots!