“Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”
- Mark 12:30
Do you find that you’re easily distracted? In this country, one thing we are is busy. We juggle family, education, career, and ministry. We fill our time with sports, tv, fellowship, or all kinds of hobbies and entertainment. We line our datebooks with meetings and a myriad of activities. It’s hard not to be distracted!
And in the midst of it all, I find myself hoping that I’m producing the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in God’s Word, and living a life pleasing to Him. I often try to produce good fruit in my own strength, when God says if I will just tend to the root - my relationship with Him, loving Him with all my heart - then priorities will fall into place and the fruit will grow naturally. Spend some time with God today, love on Him, and take care of your roots!